Attendant Supply

For those to whom service in ministry is priority


Attendant Supply works hard to serve you, & our own churches, too!
Let us tell you our story....

Once upon a time, in
the Bible Belt in 2004, their lived four pulpit workers who loved God, their Pastors', and their churches with all of their hearts.  Because of their love, and the respect of the High Office of Pastor, these ladies looked high and low for towels and glasses they felt would reflect the Prestige and Honor of the title, Pastor.

Finding nothing to compare, they contacted eachother.  Brainstorming, they decided to create what did not exist.  With creativity leading the way, and God undergirding them, they created what is now known as Attendant Supply Armor Bearer Supply House, a white glove service that provides high quality supplies to other servers just like us.  We are entirely staffed by pulpit attendants, and we use our products in our own churches.  We are just like you!  That means we can relate:  We know what you need and what you are looking for.  If we can ever be of assistance in any way, from a pulpit question to a product one, please don't hesitate to let us know.

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