Attendant Supply
For those to whom service in ministry is priority
Service Tote pre-packaged with your travel essentials! Package includes: *One Service Tote Pulpit Luggage *6 towels -any color; manicured or plain, same three 3 words, block or script font for all, gold thread for all *2 crystal mugs *3 drinking vessels *trackable shipping
Service Tote pre-packaged with your travel essentials! Includes: *One Service Tote Pulpit Luggage *6 towels -any color; manicured or plain, same three 3 words, block or script font for all, gold thread for all *trackable shipping
Service Tote pre-packaged with your travel essentials! Package includes: *One Service Tote Pulpit Luggage *6 towels -any color; manicured or plain, same three 3 words, block or script font for all, gold thread for all *2 crystal mugs *3 drinking vessels *Bag light *Bag lock *trackable shipping
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